Germanic mixtures Fragrance

The selection of these incense substances are based on shamans from all over the world which the ethnopharmacologist and author Dr. Christian Rätsch has researched in 30 years. In the worlds of shamanism, smoking traditionally has a different meaning than we western people are used to. The shaman does not use incense to aromatize the room, but rather to change his state of consciousness in order to travel in subtle worlds and to mediate between the worlds. For him, this has the ritual purpose of compensating for the condition of people seeking help, driving away demons of illness and healing. In the trance state, he speaks in a very clear language to the person seeking help and unmistakably reveals to him what state and what to do.

Against witches

Gegen Hexen

Die Schamanische Räucherung "Gegen Hexen" ist eine kraftvolle Mischung aus natürlichen
Inhaltsstoffen, die seit Jahrhunderten von Schamanen und Hexen zur Reinigung und Abwehr
von negativen Energien verwendet wird. Der Duft der Räucherung ist stark und intensiv, was
dazu beiträgt, schädliche Energien und Wesenheiten zu vertreiben und eine schützende
Atmosphäre zu schaffen.

Die Mischung enthält verschiedene Kräuter und Harze, die jeweils eine spezifische Wirkung
haben. Olibanum, auch bekannt als Weihrauch, wird seit jeher für spirituelle Rituale verwendet
und hat eine reinigende Wirkung auf Körper, Geist und Seele. Wacholder hat eine starke
schützende Wirkung und wird oft verwendet, um negative Energien zu vertreiben. Baldrian
wirkt beruhigend und entspannend, was dazu beiträgt, Stress und Angst zu reduzieren. Anis
hat eine süße und würzige Note und wird oft verwendet, um positive Energie anzuziehen.
Teufelsdreck und Erdrauch haben eine starke schützende Wirkung und werden oft verwendet,
um Hexen und böse Geister fernzuhalten.

Die Schamanische Räucherung "Gegen Hexen" kann auf verschiedene Arten verwendet
werden. Sie kann auf eine Räucherkohle oder in eine Räucherpfanne gegeben werden, um
den Raum zu reinigen und zu schützen. Sie kann auch auf Kleidung oder persönliche
Gegenstände gesprüht werden, um negative Energien abzuwehren. Die Anwendung sollte
jedoch mit Bedacht erfolgen, da der Duft sehr intensiv sein kann.

Unsere Schamanische Räucherung "Gegen Hexen" wird in Deutschland hergestellt und
enthält nur natürliche Inhaltsstoffe. Wir verwenden keine synthetischen Düfte oder
Chemikalien und legen großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz. Unsere
Produkte sind vegan und tierversuchsfrei.

Wenn du nach einem natürlichen Weg suchst, um schädliche Energien und Wesenheiten
zu vertreiben und dich vor negativen Einflüssen zu schützen, dann probiere unsere
Schamanische Räucherung "Gegen Hexen" aus. Sie ist eine kraftvolle und effektive
Mischung, die dir helfen wird, eine schützende Atmosphäre zu schaffen und dich
sicher zu fühlen.

Inhaltsstoffe: Olibanum, Wacholder, Baldrian, Anis, Teufelsdreck, Erdrauch
Menge :  50 Milliliter (13,00 € * / 100 Milliliter)

7.67 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
For witches

For witches

Witchcraft has a long history and many traditions that go back to the Germanic
culture. For modern witches, rituals and gatherings are often an important
Part of their practice to increase their skills and knowledge. The shaman
Incense "For Witches" is specially tailored to these needs and consists of
a blend of natural ingredients that have been used in witchcraft for centuries be used. olibanum, elecampane, juniper, anise, mugwort; and marshmallows were
carefully selected to create a powerful fragrance that appeals to the senses and
promotes concentration. The combination of these herbs also promotes visualization, leading to
can help increase the effectiveness of rituals and spellwork.

Also known as frankincense, olibanum has been an important ingredient in
since ancient times incenses. It is often considered a sacred scent and has a calming effect on
the ghost. Elecampane is often called "Witchesweed" and has a long history in the
herbalism. It is often used to encourage creativity and the ability to visualize.

Juniper has a cleansing effect and is often used to ward off negative energy.
Anise is often used to improve mood and to promote clarity and inspiration.
mugwort is also known as "Witchesweed" known and often used for protection and purification.
Marigold is another herb commonly used in herbalism and witchcraft
and is known for its protective effect.

The shamanic incense "For witches" is an excellent choice for modern witches,
who want to deepen their practice. It can help with concentration and visualization and
d is a wonderful addition to rituals and spell work. The amount of 50 milliliters
is sufficient for several applications and the product comes in a practical bottle
delivered. The shamanic incense "For witches" is a unique and powerful
Blend designed for modern witches combining traditional herbs and
Contains scents of witchcraft.

Ingredients: olibanum, elecampane, juniper, anise, mugwort, milkweed
Quantity : 50 milliliters (€13.00 * / 100 milliliters

7.67 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Ancestry smoke

Ancestral Smoke

Ancestral Smoke is a special incense that was specifically developed for people who have a
want to connect to their ancestors. The ethereal scent of the incense can
to connect with the souls of the deceased and thus the memories of the ancestors
bring back to life.

In the old days it was common to divide families into clans, each with its own
had tasks. The information needed to complete these tasks has been obtained from the
passed on to the young. Through the connection to the ancestors one could
Use the knowledge and experience of past generations and thus continue to exist
secure for family and community.

The ancestral smoke is a shamanic fragrance that is used during a trance journey into the interior of the
Self helps and enables a deeper contact to the ancestors. The incense
consists of spruce resin, valerian and fumitory and is composed in such a way that it
can absorb and strengthen the energies of the ancestors.

By using the ancestral smoke, people can better
their roots understand and build a deeper connection to their ancestors. It can help
Understand patterns of behavior and traditions to create a stronger identity develop.

The smoking can be done alone or in a group and is suitable
particularly suitable for spiritual rituals and ceremonies. The Ancestral Smoke can also be found at
Funerals and memorial services are used to connect with the
To strengthen and honor the memory of the deceased.

The quantity is 50 milliliters, which at a price of 13.00 euros. one
per 100 milliliters affordable price for this special incense. Treat yourself
this special experience and immerse yourself in the world of the ancestors and the
spiritual connection.

Ingredients: spruce resin, valerian, fumitory
Quantity : 50 milliliters (€13.00 * / 100 milliliters)

7.67 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Holda - mix

Holda - Blend

The Holda blend is an incense that represents the winter aspect of the year and
establishes a connection to the female part of the Germanic cosmos. It contains a
unique blend of natural ingredients such as spruce resin, milkweed,
Angelica root and amber combine to create an earthy-sweet character.

The goddess Freya is an important figure in Germanic mythology and is often referred to as the
referred to as the goddess of love. She is also known for being the winter aspect of the year
and is often associated with snow, ice and cold. The Holda Blend
was specifically designed to capture these aspects of Freya and her connection to
to honor women.

Lighting this incense will release an earthy and sweet scent that will transport you into
leads to a deeper level of consciousness. The Holda Blend can help you get in touch
to step into your feminine side and deepen your spiritual practice. You can use the
Use incense to aid in your meditation or to accompany a sacred ceremony
to perform.

The Holda blend is also a great choice for winter if you wish have to connect with nature and the world around you. You can use the incense
use to create a cozy and soothing atmosphere in your home
and to prepare for the dark and cold days of winter. The Holda Blend
can help you ground yourself and center your energies as you navigate the dark
go through the season.

The Holda blend is made from natural ingredients and contains none
synthetic or harmful additives. You can rest assured that you are getting a quality
Get a product that offers you only the best of nature. The fumigation is done in a
Supplied in a practical 50 milliliter pack and is therefore perfect for regular
users Use at home or on the go.

Overall, the Holda blend is a unique incense made specifically for women
designed to connect with the feminine and the winter aspect
t of the year honor. With her earthy and sweet aromas she will help you to
to ground and center your energies as you deepen your spiritual practice.
Try them and be inspired by their powerful effects!

Ingredients: spruce resin, milkweed, angelica root, amber
Quantity : 50 milliliters (€ 13.00 * / 100 milliliters)

7.67 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Wotan's incense

Wotan's incense

Wotan is considered the supreme god in Germanic mythology
as the keeper of knowledge and memory, as a divine magician, eternal
Researcher and god of ecstasy.

With this incense mixture you
contact with Wotan through the forest-fresh scent.
An incense especially for people with the god Wotan in
want to get in touch

Ingredients: spruce resin, juniper, mugwort
Quantity : 50 milliliters (€ 13.00 * / 100 milliliters)

7.67 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
1 to 5 (from a total of 5)